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How to Control your display refresh rate

How to Control your display refresh rate Users of SmartHertz can alter the refresh rate based on the active application. You will need to follow an instruction to enable the application if your device is not rooted. The application detects the foreground application using an accessibility service and adjusts the refresh rate accordingly.

how to Control your display refresh rate how to Control your display refresh rate how to Control your display refresh rate


– The programme automatically recognises the kind of programme that is running and sets the user’s preference for programmes that are similar!
– For any programme, set the refresh rate that you prefer.
– On low battery, reduce the refresh rate.
– Ambient display with a low refresh rate (great for always on ambient display)

Although the programme runs smoothly on the majority of devices, we cannot guarantee that it will on all devices. Send us an email if it’s not functioning on your device, and we’ll look into it.

Notably, some applications could be restricted to run at a specific number of frames per second (FPS), while SmartHertz is simply in charge of modifying the screen refresh rate.


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